[Ravensfort] Camping work weekend atThe Stones

byzytym byzytym at att.net
Sun Feb 8 22:11:43 PST 2009

Greetings from the Autocrat of

                             A Day at The Stones of Raven's Fort,

Kudos to the work crew that showed up for the work days at The Stones this weekend.  I have been involved with work days at that site for almost twenty years and I have NEVER seen so much accomplished in one day.  


When we arrived on site for the first time this year it was a little disheartening to see that the Equestrian area we had worked so hard on before our postponed event was filled with branches and topped trees from the logging activity.  You could not walk from the stables to the kitchen without zigzagging around the scattered fall.  In some places you couldn't even do that, you had to go over.  When we left today, everything was cleared.  I am amazed.  Everyone seemed to find their niche and didn't stop work till it was done.  That was several hours.  Some used chains to pull the big stuff to the pile.  Others chain-sawed it into bite size pieces.  Others threw the pieces on the pile.  Others collected the smaller stuff.  It was a very smooth operation.  

I would be remiss if I did not mention the individuals involved :


Saint David 




Runa the Ever Present 



that Marius person




(Raven's Guild women rule)




The weather was clear and cool and the moon was near full.  A fog crept across the low areas in the wee hours of the morning completing the effect.  What a beautiful evening.  Entertainment was provided by the local cowboy color that had taken over Sweincamp in the form of firearms demonstrations and dare-devil spinout driving.  Oh, they's just good ol' boys lettin' off a bit a steam.  Yep, full moon.  No doubt.


While we were out this weekend I put tape to the Equestrian stall posts and found that we already have enough room in the existing space to install six 16x13 ½ foot stalls for individual horses.  There is enough space to add another two stalls on level ground without having to take out any more trees.  That would give us a total of eight.  Hopefully that will be enough.  Setting the poles needed and drilling the rope holes should take only a few hours.  A one day project easily.


Also remaining is the hinge change for the "mouse trap" doors which is another few hour, one day project.


After that, only a general wind fall branch cleanup in the high traffic area and a bit of mowing will be needed.  If we get real industrious we should take down a large pine tree near the old tavern area which has half its trunk missing.  It is green still, but it would be bad news if it gave way at an event.  


Again, many thanks to all the hard workers that came out this weekend.  If we have the same kind of crew at the camping work days next weekend at the new Gundy Site, we should be able to move mountains.  Long live the Ravens.



Vlod NotVlad


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: byzytym 
  To: byzytym ; A Kindness Of Ravens 
  Sent: Friday, February 06, 2009 3:17 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ravensfort] Camping work weekend atThe Stones

  From the Autocrat of 
                 A Day at The Stones of Raven's Fort :

  This is a post Populace meeting update on the work weekend at The Stones which starts this evening.

  I will be on site around 10ish Saturday morning.  If you beat me to the site please start on the Equestrian area.  

  Meals for Saturday night will be on an individual or clan level.  Many of the populace are going into Stargate to pay last respects so are unsure of their plans.

  If you arrive at the site and no one is around we may be at Saint David's dealing with the showers or food.  There will be campers on site over night.  

  My contact number is 281-367-3409.  Looking forward to seeing you.

  Vlod NotVlad

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: byzytym 
    To: A Kindness Of Ravens 
    Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 10:22 PM
    Subject: [Ravensfort] Camping work weekend atThe Stones

    Greetings for the Autocrat of  

                              A Day at The Stones of Raven's Fort :


    I want to remind everyone that this weekend ( February 6th, 7th & 8th ) the Barony will hold its first work weekend of the year at The Stones.  Baron Brian has opened the site for camping from Friday evening till Sunday afternoon.  So far no plans have been made for food Saturday night.  I am open for suggestions on a group thing or if we want to do our own individual meals.  Both are workable.


    There are three and a half projects that we need to make some headway on this weekend.


    1)  At the top of the list are the showers.  I am hoping that we come to a conclusion on building materials at populace so we can purchase what is needed and have progress to show at weekends end.  


    2)  Change the "mouse trap" swing on the kitchen and storeroom doors.  We have already purchased the hinges and could finish this project in one day.


    3)  Clear storm fall and logging fall from an Equestrian area and build stalls.  I have been in contact with Lorraine Fraser who has given me a basic design for a 14x14 stall using landscape timbers set in concrete with drilled holes and rope.  I believe it is very like what Baron Brian already had in mind.  I will try to get some prices and put pen to paper.  We need to talk about this at populace this Thursday.  It is something worthwhile to work for, but if there not enough in the coffers right now we might have to be creative.


    1/2 )  There will be storm and logging fall all over the site.  I encourage individuals to clear the branches and trees from their personal campsites.  If you need help ask.  A crew can make short work of the worst part of even a large tree.  I am not really concerned with having the site spotless for this event.  As long it is not in the way we do not need to deal with it before the Spring Event.  That said, we should make every effort to clear all of the fall before Defender.


    When the event gets closer we will need to mow the List Field, the Archery Range, the Equestrian Field, the Feast Area, the Parking Lot, around the Showers, around the Bonfire and of course The Stones.  Again, I am not really concerned with anything else.  There is something really beautiful about the lush green of early spring.  With any luck we will have a few wild flowers.  


    I look forward to spending time back on site with everyone working for a happy, productive Raven's Fort.  If anyone has any other suggestions please let me hear form you.  


    In service to the Barony,

    Vlod NotVlad


    "Trust in Allah, but tie your camel."


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