[Ravensfort] FW: troll shifts

trisha marlowe sillyzills at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 16 19:14:21 PDT 2009

  Let the begging begin......

There are only 6 populace members needed to fill our gate shifts.  That's it!!  Six!!!
Please consider signing up for a troll shift for Defender if you haven't already.  
September will be upon us before we know it.  
  Thank You!

  ~*~ tareija

Friday 4pm - 7pm (includes set-up)   Sher andPace'
Friday 7pm - 10pm - Devin Odonnaswein and Mirabelis
Friday 10pm - Saturday 1am - L.D. and Amy 
Saturday 1am - 4am   -  Gundy and ????
Saturday 4am - 7am
Saturday 7am - 10am  -  Chrystal and  ????
Saturday 10am - 1pm (includes tear-down)    

  ~*~ trisha


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