[Ravensfort] Fw: [Ansteorra] Music Competition

James Northfolke jamesnorthfolke at gmail.com
Mon Nov 2 16:29:52 PST 2009

Yup!  James.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 2, 2009, at 6:17 PM, Shanahan <ms_shanahan at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Anyone interested?
> Shanahan
> ----- Forwarded Message ----
> From: Jeffrey Clark <jmclark85 at gmail.com>
> To: "Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc." <ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org>
> Sent: Mon, November 2, 2009 3:15:22 AM
> Subject: [Ansteorra] Music Competition
> Greetings to the good gentles of Ansteorra!
> I am hosting a music competition in a format inspired by a wonderful  
> laurel
> who's name--most unfortunately--escapes me. Hopefully--if there is  
> enough
> interest--I will keep running this competition indefinitely every so  
> often
> (every 3-5 months).
> The particulars of the competition are as follows:
> 1. Entires must be composed with an effort towards emulating a  
> period style
> 2. There are no restrictions on instrumentation, and entries may  
> either be
> instrumental or vocal (or a combination thereof), and may contain as  
> many as
> 8 parts
> 3. Entries may be submitted by email or through snailmail. There is no
> requirement that they be put in period notation (though I do read  
> most forms
> of period notation)
> 4. Entires can be handwritten, or may be produced digitally; if  
> produced
> digitally they must be submitted in a non-proprietary format  
> (.pdf .png .bmp
> .gif and midi files are all acceptable). The only exception to this  
> rule is
> .sib files. I love you all, but I can't judge something I can't open  
> on my
> computer!
> 5. Documentation is not required; however, giving me something that
> documents your sources, inspiration, and creative process will help me
> provide better feedback
> 6. I will accept multiple entries from a particular person; however  
> only one
> must be designated as an actual "competitive" entry. All others will  
> receive
> my attention and I will provide feedback on them.
> 7. The deadline for entries is December 31st
> 8. Judging will be announced on the Ansteorra list sometime in January
> (depending on exactly how many entries I receive), this competition  
> is not
> tied to any event, and will be entirely conducted online.
> Now, for the good part:
> 1. After the deadline I will review all entires; I am a musicologist  
> and am
> formally trained in historical performance practice. I promise that  
> *I will
> give detailed feedback on all entires*, and will do all I can to  
> make my
> feedback as practical and useful as I can.
> 2. I will pick what I consider to be the three best entires (judged  
> on a
> holstic concept of period sound, the composer's adventurousness  
> withing the
> period aesthetic, and the general musicality of the work) as the  
> "finalists"
> of the competition. I will record these three entires (I am a
> professional--conservatory trained--recorder player, and have also  
> been
> trained as a countertenor), put them on a CD and send a copy of the  
> CD to
> the finalists. I will also engrave the music in Sibelius and send  
> copies of
> the music along with the CD (multipart works are not a problem, I  
> have all
> the equipment I need to record the parts track by track and then  
> combine
> them).
> 3. With permission, I would like to make the recordings of the music
> available publicly (via youtube or some other means); nothing will be
> announced, commented on, or displayed without the composer's  
> permission
> 4. If I am able to keep the competition running through several  
> iterations,
> I would like to compile a book of submitted compositions and publish  
> it
> within the society.
> My main goal for this competition is to further music within the  
> kingdom and
> provide aspiring musicians with a level of feedback and an arena in  
> which to
> experiment and to express their art in a way that is generally  
> unavailable
> in regular A&S competitions.
> I would like to encourage those who have never tired creating a period
> composition, or who have never tried composing before to submit  
> something.
> Composers of every skill and style are welcome, I will not turn down  
> any
> serious entry; and anything I sent to me will receive feedback.
> Along with this competition, I will attempt to teach classes weekly  
> (or as
> close to weekly) in Steppes and Elfsea on period composition, period
> musicianship, along with a random smattering of general trivia about  
> period
> music in general. I will announce the classes once times and dates  
> for them
> are set. As things get going, I may choose to start theming the  
> competitions
> a little.
> I look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with!
> In service,
> Alessandro Zorzi
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