[Ravensfort] defender, troll and such...

trisha marlowe sillyzills at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 14 04:10:59 PDT 2009



it's almost here!!!


if you have a friend (or friends) coming to this event and it is their first event ever..... 

SEND ME THEIR NAMES BY THURSDAY or they won't make it onto the comp. list!!!!

  so quit that procrastinatin' and git yer butt in gear!!!


also, if any kind souls would be interested in the dreaded 1-3pm shift Saturday afternoon - it

is still up for grabs.   

get with me pronto if you are interested.


   thank you all who have signed up.  

Friday 4pm - 7pm (includes set-up)   Sher andPace'
Friday 7pm - 10pm - Devin Odonnaswein and Mirabelis
Friday 10pm - Saturday 1am - L.D. and Amy 
Saturday 1am - 4am   -  Gundy and Malcolm
Saturday 4am - 7am   -  DSD and Gwener (and moi)
Saturday 7am - 10am  -  Chrystal and Marie
Saturday 10am - 1pm (includes tear-down) 

  ~*~ trisha

Share your memories online with anyone you want.
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