[Ravensfort] Serious site name suggestion.

John Reuter jareuter1066 at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jan 12 20:54:59 PST 2010


Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 12, 2010, at 10:14 PM, HerrDetlef <herrdetlef at gmail.com> wrote:

Considering that Conroe was founded in the 1880's with the establishment of a sawmill by one Isaac Conroe, I think any reference to timber or forests would be highly appropriate. (I had thought "Isaac's Mill" earlier, but I don't know if anybody but Jews in diaspora would have been named Isaac in period, and VERY few Jews in period owned property in Europe.)
Out of curiosity, what language is "Timbrend"?
I'm listening, but take care to avoid too much ABPS.

On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 10:01 PM, Mike Gamber <lococnc at consolidated.net> wrote:
I would like to propose to name the site;

Timbrend Forest

I have some pretty good reasons for this. The two words mean something significant.

Timbrend means "Builder" and is likely to become part of my persona for the SCA. I will explain more about this later.

Forest is accurate description of the landscape at the site. In Medievel times Forest ment more than a bunch of trees and included fields, plains, as well as timberlands.

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