[Ravensfort] Polling information-important

Dominique Epps blueingreen at sbcglobal.net
Sun Nov 21 22:36:05 PST 2010

Hello everyone!
Here is the info as it has been published in the December Quoth for all those who are not subscribed.  Please read the whole thing as it contains very important information.  I had hoped that we would be able to have some sort of proxy/mail-in polling forms but that was not to be:(The first part is from my letter in the Quoth:Konichiwa mina!

	Exciting times are here!  This
December at Populace we will be having our poll for our new Baron and
Baroness.  This will take place on the  2nd  at 7pm at the
Huntsville Fire Station.  Our Regional Seneschal Lady Emeline de
Neville will be conducting the poll.  Remember this is a poll, not a
vote.  The final decision is their Majesties'.   I have been informed
by our Regional Seneschal Lady Emeline that there will be no polling
by proxy, nor can you send in a poll form.  You must attend the
polling at populace if you wish to  take part of the polling.  So if
you cannot attend and wish your voice to be heard please Email the
Crown at www.crown at ansteorra.org
or send them a letter at :That info has been deleted to protect their privacy online, Email me for their address
Remember a handwritten letter is always
nicer than one typed or Emailed ;)
	We are currently looking for a new
Herald as well as a new Hospitaler.  If you are interested in either
of these offices please send an application to the appropriate
regional officer, the B&B and little old me the Seneschal.  Both
are necessary offices and can be quite a bit of fun.  If you enjoy
meeting new  people the office of Hospitaler is just right for you,
and if you like puns you should try the office of Herald.
	Don't forget that Lady Giovanna and
Lord Pace will be hosting Yule revel at their domain on December the
11th starting at noon.  You can find more information on
our Email list and on Facebook.  It will be a blast so be there!
	And that's it for the month!
          YIS Musashi no Domai
And this is what Lady Emeline de Neville, our Southern Seneschal sent me to publish: 
The polling will be conducted:
On December 2nd, (Domai please add time and location here). at 7pm, at the Huntsville fire station
By HL Emeline Neville, Southern Region Seneschal.Will last one hour. Proxy voting will not be accepted.

Who may cast a vote in the polling: 
Anyone who self-identifies this Barony as their primary group of participation may cast a vote in the poll.It is not a requirement to live in a zip code assigned to this Barony to vote.You do not have to be a paid member of the SCA to vote.Anyone who is able to fill out the ballot unassisted may vote in 
this poll.  However if they are a minor under the age of 16 their legal 
guardian must also sign the ballot.
The Ballot:
The top portion of the ballot shall consist of a listing of the three candidate couples for Baron & Baroness of Raven's Fort, with both their SCA and legal names.The candidate couples should be ranked by each voter in order of 
preference, with one be the most preferred and three being the least.The bottom portion of the ballot shall consist of identification and
 statistical information to be filled out, such as SCA name, legal name,
 zip code, etc.Ballots are provided by and shall be collected and tallied by the Southern Region Seneschal.The results will be provided ONLY to Their Majesties Ansteorra and the Kingdom Seneschal and then the ballots will be sealed.Once Their Majesties announce Their choice for Baron and Baroness, the ballots will then be destroyed.
Additional Info:
Anyone and everyone who has an opinion on who the next Baron and 
Baroness of Raven's Fort should or should not be is more than welcome 
and is heartily encouraged by Their Majesties Ansteorra to write an 
email or letter in regards to the matter.  Their Majesties email 
address is available on the Kingdom Website  www.ansteorra.org  .  Their postal address is available in the Ansteorran kingdom newsletter, The Black Star.  If you do not
 The Black Star and are in need of Their Majesties postal address, 
please feel free to email the Southern Region Seneschal privately who 
will provide it. 

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