[Ravensfort] site news

Carolyn Pace ridgetopfarm at me.com
Sat Sep 11 05:45:30 PDT 2010

Hello all,  yesterday we got quite a bit mowed and will continue to do so today. Our tractor spent the night at David and Michelle's. I pushed equestrian area over towards the woods on the left about 10 feet in some areas. As the debris  rots we should be able to get more camping over there per their request. We got a late start because our truck was leaking rear end fluid when we got there. We had just had it serviced in Madisonville and called them. They sent someone out to site to fix it!! Hmmm! I guess Toyota has had enough fame for now. Doesn't want more! We will see everyone today and tomorrow. Slow today, tired. xo G
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