[Ravensfort] ATTN OFFICERS!

kris hoffman mirabelis_ at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 8 12:35:10 PDT 2010

Ok if you get it twice sorry about that, I am not the most list saavy person around, I do know how to network 2 computers to talk with each other but getting people added to a list is beyond me....so sorry.
I have figured out how to manually add everyone so....look in your junk box and figure out where your invite is and reply....


From: mirabelis_ at hotmail.com
To: mirabelis_ at hotmail.com
Subject: RE: [Ravensfort] ATTN OFFICERS!
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2010 13:17:48 -0500

ok well you should be getting an invite soon something happened on Google's end and well..wait for it....

wait for it....


From: mirabelis_ at hotmail.com
To: ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2010 13:17:03 -0500
Subject: [Ravensfort] ATTN OFFICERS!

I am sending out invites to a new group for the officers!  If you are an officer and didnt get this invite let me know.  If you are an officer and did get the invite please respond as quickly as possible so we can get things hashed out and start getting on the same page for things for Defender.


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