[Ravensfort] Fw: Feast

Michelle Lopez ivarra20 at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 19 16:44:42 PDT 2010

Runa thank you for a wonderful feast!  It was fantastic and the work you put 
into it was astounding.  Orlaugh wanted to tell you thank you again as well and 
even little picky Connor ate some stew!  That is a feat!

Irial Mulcahey 

From: Sher M <runa.herd at earthlink.net>
To: Ravens Fort <ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org>
Sent: Sun, September 19, 2010 4:47:39 PM
Subject: [Ravensfort] Feast

Thank you Valerie for cutting pounds and pounds of meat,  fruit, potatoes, 
schlepping tons of stew into bags to be frozen, etc.  I  could not have done it 
without you.
Jacob... Your arm strength is amazing.  Those pots were  heavy, hard to stir, 
but you kept at it.  Michael-thank you for helping  with the monster vats of 
stew.  You not only did List Field but you helped  in the kitchen.  

Alaric-the empanadas (aka individual apple pies) were  excellent.  Michelle-you 
saved me by cooking all of those in your  kitchen. 
Megan and (my mind has died so I can't remember the other  young lady's name) 
thank you for dealing with the watermelon with only bread  knives.  Lisabetta, 
you rocked on reheating the potatoes.   Grishka-thank you for dealing with the 
serving of the stew.  Jalalia, thank  you for helping serve the food and 
keeping me straight on the serving  line.  Also for picking up leftover food on 
the tables.
Baroness Chrystal, Ladies Mirabelis, Tarejia and Marie...  thank you for taking 
excellent care of the Head Table.  Tarejia and  WallaWalla, you'll never know 
how much I appreciate you washing up.
I've now lost my mind, I can't remember who else was helping  me in the 
kitchen.  I know there were more but I am so tired I can not  function.  Someone 
please refresh what's left of my brain...
Sher Montgomery & The Thundering Herd

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