[Ravensfort] From the Autocrat of Defender of the Fort

byzytym byzytym at att.net
Thu Sep 23 20:38:44 PDT 2010

Yes, Michael and Mirabelis and several others early in the day,
and all the people that came to the work weekends 
and did the scrolls
and y'all for all the mowing days ahead of time.
It does take a village... or in our case a barony.
My point is that Brian has matured his leadership abilities over the last five years.
The way he approaches tasks and obstacles is different.
A smooth running event doesn't just happen.
Delegation is a learned art.
Commitment is a virtue.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Carolyn Pace 
  To: byzytym 
  Cc: John Reuter ; Ravens Fort ; Raven,s heart ; Katherine A Roberts ; Stones of Raven's Fort site 
  Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2010 6:57 AM
  Subject: Re: [Ravensfort] From the Autocrat of Defender of the Fort

  I totally agree. We are lucky to have such a hard working Baron who wears many hats and works so hard for us. Thanks for those chosen few who stayed to help take down the last many things needing to be done. I want to add Mike to that list of Dare, Magnus, and VNV. I saw his truck full of all of the kitchen trash etc. What a fun job that must have been to get rid of! Thanks again, xo G

  On Sep 22, 2010, at 10:50 PM, byzytym <byzytym at att.net> wrote:

    I would like to add my words of praise for Baron Brian's running of 
    Defender. He took over as Autocrat with short notice and did an excellent 
    job of pulling things together with the little time left. As far as I could 
    tell, everything that needed to be taken care of was competed without 
    exception. No unfinished tasks. Kudos. I must admit that I was skeptical 
    about his plans for the blue velvet tent when we started, but it functioned 
    beautifully and provided much need shade. Even when everyone else had 
    packed up their personal belongings and headed home, Brian stayed for hours 
    with a small hand full of helpers ( Dare, Magnus and myself ) to completely 
    breakdown the site, clean the kitchen, make several trips to the storeroom 
    and he even took pots home to be washed. Again, nothing remained undone. 
    As someone that has personally autocrated sixteen times, I tip my hat to you 

    I would remiss if I did not also add my thanks to Runa for a feast that was 
    served in a timely manner and was very tasty and diverse. I believe all 
    bellies were quite satisfied.

    Volod NotVlad

    P.S. I have the ropes from the horse stables which I will bring to Officers 

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: "John Reuter" <jareuter1066 at sbcglobal.net>
    To: "Ravens Fort" <ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org>; "Raven,s heart" 
    <ravens_heart at yahoogroups.com>; "Katherine A Roberts" 
    <robertsk at exchange.tamu.edu>; "Stones of Raven's Fort site" 
    <rfofficers at yahoogroups.com>
    Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2010 9:28 PM
    Subject: [Ravensfort] From the Autocrat of Defender of the Fort

    > Sigh... The last table cleaned and put up, the last bag of trash thrown 
    > away and the last tent put away! We had a wonderful time this weekend and 
    > we could not have done it with out the officers of the Barony doing there 
    > jobs and the coordinators who volunteered to help out with every thing 
    > from heralding to filling up the torches in the feast hall! Every one 
    > worked hard to make this event a wonderful success!
    > I thank you all. The Champions, the Raven's Guild, the Baronial Guard and 
    > all those who came to to visit and just to hang out with us all!
    > Good night and I hope to see you all soon.
    > Yours in service,
    > Baron Brian du Val
    > Baron of Raven's Fort
    > p.s. If you are a landed noble, do not take over as the autocrat for your 
    > baronial championship event! This is sound advice from one who just did 
    > it. Deligation works but if some one offers to autocrat in some ones 
    > place, please...... work with them. :)
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    > Ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org
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