[Ravensfort] august Populace news

Gary and Carolyn Pace bandb.ravensfort at gmail.com
Fri Aug 5 07:37:33 PDT 2011

Greetings to all, last night we had over 35 people at Populace. It was
wonderful to see all the smiling faces! Thanks to all who came to support
our Barony and live the dream.

  Round Table news was discussed. HRM Lochlan Dunn is in the process of
revamping our regions. Be watching for news on this. They are purely for
administration purposes and some have much more reporting to do  than
others. The revamping will be a way of spreading the wealth to all, actually
reporting, so it is more evenly and fairly done.
  Events are to be revamped as well. We have many summer months that are not
utilized while having many weekends with 2 events going on. So all PED and
non PED events are being reworked to spread them out. This would be
beneficial in the fact that our PED would not be held at the same time as
another event. We might get more Crown attendance in the future that way.
Our non PED event might have a permanent date as well. We discussed that it
would be nice to know when both will be from year to year. Our spring event
will not be affected by this revamping. Our Defender has a very good chance
of not being changed as well. We shall wait and see what happens. We will
let everyone know asap when we find out the dates.
  Ansteorra has 1,677 members which is down 200 from last year. Sustaining
membership is down 100.
  Round Table is encouraged to be held in conjunction with an event and
should be centrally located within the Kingdom. This sounds good for us
doing a Round Table. This possibility was discussed at business and
populace. We would like to host a Kingdom event next year.
  Every officer should have a deputy by 6 months into the office. We have
some spots available. Please see our wonderful new Quoth, which will be
online soon. The information is in there.
   Our student guild got kudos at the B&B retreat. Someone asked who our
"Ravenettes" were. They were so awesome at the last Defender, smiling, and
the happy positive energy they added to our Barony was noticed.. Vivat to
the SHSU student guild "Raven's Guild" for helping support our Barony and
supporting us in the Kingdom. You do us proud! Also they would like to hold
different types of classes this fall and would like populace members with a
particular craft to teach, to come to their meetings.

 We want to design a 'get in free' card for first timers and discussed how
to make one.
  On other news- Our coffers are very low. We need a fund raiser to make
some monies. Please be thinking of some ideas on this and we will get going
on this after Defender.
  Rapier-please be watching the list for dates and places for possible
fighter practices in other venues. Everyone is to be brainstorming other
spots to hold practices. Lighting is an issue with the days getting shorter
soon and this should be considered.

Defender- our workdays are August 27-28 and Sept. 10-11. PLEASE come out and
help get the dreaming tree and your camp spot up and ready. HE Brian will
need some help redoing our dias. He has some great ideas for it and needs
all the manpower he can get.
 We need all hands available on Friday before Defender to get the pavillions
and list fields, kitchen , tables etc. set up. Gate sign up sheet is being
passed around. Contact DSD to sign up. Lady Erynh is cooking a complete meal
for Nobles Luncheon. The menu was read and all who heard were impressed. She
and Don Brian are true Raven's Forters to help with this. She still will
need some desserts and someone needs to make cheese goo for her!
 Our Baronial Guard is changing to a Baronial household. If you would like
to be in the guard and help us at events etc. please contact our Camerlingo,
HerrDetlef. He has our schedule and organizes those type of things for us.
 I know I forgot some things but this is getting long enough. Please feel
free to add those items to our list.

Pasquale and Giovanna
Baron and Baroness of Raven's Fort
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