[Ravensfort] Work Weekend EQ stuffs + Emergency H20 barrels

Berta Allen bertasdragonfly at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 29 17:42:41 PDT 2011

Please do not forget that we need to have a pick up (with 4x4) available with about 3-4 water barrels for emergency runs to be able to get anywhere on site in a hurry... better to be safe than sorry 'cause no amount of rain is going to get rid of the burn ban

Faire Winds and Following Seas

From: Gary and Carolyn Pace <bandb.ravensfort at gmail.com>
To: kris hoffman <mirabelis_ at hotmail.com>
Cc: ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org; Robin <camdarkhorse at gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 6:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Ravensfort] Work Weekend EQ stuffs....

Dear everyone,  Mirabelis , thanks so much for doing this! It definitely is needed and most welcome for our equestrian community to continue to love our site etc.  We have gotten a check for the new water tower for the kitchen but it hasn't been bought yet.  Wouldn't that leave the old water tower for equestrian?  That would be an extra.  Maybe Doug would be on call to get more water if it gets low?   Those are things for our autocrat to coordinate. 
We agree that all stalls should have boards on them.  We will check to see if we have any spares.  We are bringing our tractor to try to get the ruts out in the road coming in and the area next to gate. Devin thanks for the table. 
On another note we need all hands to come out early Sat. and/or Sun.  HE Brian needs help with the dais.  If we don't have enough help then we say leave the dreaming tree as is and work on the other items.  We tried to get the dreaming tree behind us in the spring while the weather was cooler and got a lot accomplished but could have finished it if we had had more help.  We worked until we couldn't any more. 
We had many nice folks come out and help that day.  We just need some more men in our Barony to come help.  Man power!  As of yet I have to hear from many people that they will come out.  It is going to be cooler than most days this Sat. and Sun. morning.  It will not get too hot until lunchtime. Please everyone, try to come help your Barony this weekend so we can get 'er done!
With love,

On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 8:25 PM, kris hoffman <mirabelis_ at hotmail.com> wrote:

Ok, one thing I am really concerned with is the water situation for the event.  This past year in February for the EQ College, we nearly ran out of water, had to go to the reserve tank.  Last year Defender we did run out of water, so is there any movement to getting more water tanks?  
>Also, I would like to eventually have all stalls with boards.  If anyone has boards they would like to donate please bring them out!!  I am debating on whether or not to tear my fence down in the front of my house.....but havent done it yet ;) 
>This weekend I am going to try to be on site Sunday morning by 8am, with Cambria and her husband as well.  We would like to do some things to the EQ area.  
>1.  I would like to straighten the sign for the Morningstar field.
>2.  I would like to make Lorraines Lookout worth looking out of :)  Does anyone have a park bench laying around?  anything that would spiff it up some.
>3.  I would like to kill poison ivy :) 
>4.  I would like to make a "common" area for the equestrians to hang out.  We are wanting to put up a hospitality tent in the EQ area for the event where we can keep water etc.  Keeping things by the field is not my preferred method. 
>5.  I guess those pesky trees in the field need to be cut out ;) 
>Our site is one of the BEST for equestrians.  I would like for them to keep thinking so, and try to bring the equestrian community a bit more together.  We really do most of the time end up segregated from the rest of the herd if you will, because we cant really leave horses unattended too long, they require extra care etc.  
>Any thoughts would be welcomed!
>Pasquale and Giovanna
>Baron and Baroness of Raven's Fort
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