[Ravensfort] Personae

Hauldr Ari Grafeldr lordarigreycloak at gmail.com
Sat Jan 29 17:30:27 PST 2011

I am Hauldr Ari Grafeldr or, in the common tongue, Ari Greycloak; eldest son of my father Einarr son of Brandr, son of Ulfr the Red. I am heir and lord of my lands north of Listi, won by my grandfather's father in a battle against his half brother, Ormr Rauðrsonn of Flekkefjord. It is often sung in the lays of old:

On the white field my foe
Son of my mother, has been taken,
Flown to the spear-goddess by the blood-hawk;
Clothed in the red serpent's bed,
the wolf's heart stolen from him who bears the elm bow;
his nobility sung in the mead halls,
of my own throne.

I often travel east searching for comforts to return with me and my household. On my travels, I met and married a beautiful middle eastern woman of noble descent, who makes a killer baklava. 
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