[Ravensfort] the Invisible Newsletter

doug bell magnus77840 at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 9 05:40:14 PDT 2011

Is it going out first class mail and from which post office?
What day of the month is the newsletter mailed?
Have any been returned to the barony by the snail?
If so what address did they go to?
If the baronial PO box were they just thrown away by the clerk.

It often took 3 weeks for me to get a letter from College Station
to Huntsville because mail went through the north Houston snail.
That office regularly lost my mail and several packages destined
for Houston.

When I had a postal box in Huntsville the clerk was throwing away
any 3rd class mail. When I upgraded SCA items to 1st class they 
were delivered.

So I would recommend mailing one by itself along with a courtesy email notice
of the day it was mailed. That way it can be monitored to see what is happening.


Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 05:25:14 -0700
From: iris20 at sbcglobal.net
To: ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org
Subject: [Ravensfort] the Invisible Newsletter

It is the 9th of June and still no newsletter.  I am begining to wonder if it is even worth the bother, however, it is the responsibility of the chronicler to still mail out the hard copies to subscribers.  To my knowledge, we aren't virtual yet.  So, would the chronicler care to let me and the rest of the Barony know why this keeps happening?  This is the 4th month in a row this has occured.  I do plan to have a conversation with the regional chornicler and the Kingdome chronicler if necessary to get this corrected.  It is no longer a matter of being patient.  Four months is more than patient.
M. Jalali of Salamis

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