[Ravensfort] weekend warriors

Kief av Kiersted sirkief at hotmail.com
Fri May 27 10:38:17 PDT 2011

Heilsa Rosalia...

No worries... Y'all are doing the "good work" in any case... I was just restating "guidelines" anyway... Hell...not too many folks have any "extra" money these days... Thanks for the info on the pieces of the Dreaming Tree... I'll be heading out to the site several times in the coming weeks...between work, events, and travel I'll do what I can to clean up stuff or, at least, move it around a bit...

Looking forward to Defender already... !

Your good neighbor...

Wæs Þu Hæl in TroÞ and FriÞ...!


"Better the Hammer than the nail..."


> From: AML016 at SHSU.EDU
> To: sirkief at hotmail.com; ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org
> Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 12:06:12 -0500
> Subject: RE: [Ravensfort] weekend warriors
> We aren't exactly anal about keeping it that way, but buying fenceposts right now isn't realistic with the college group's budget. I admit that last event we did *not* do what we usually do and "roll up" our fence. We usually move the logs near other trees so tractors can still get into the camp if need be. Next work weekend I will make sure this gets done. 
> There are some rather large parts of the tree left... though I'm not sure how big you are talking about. When you get the chance to get out there, I'm sure no one would mind you taking one of the bigger pieces off of our hands :)
> Lady Rosalia
> Amy Beers
> "Let me tell you this: if you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it's not because they enjoy solitude. It's because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them."
> ________________________________________
> From: Kief av Kiersted [sirkief at hotmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, May 23, 2011 1:26 PM
> To: Gary and Carolyn Pace; ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org
> Subject: Re: [Ravensfort] weekend warriors
> Heilsa y'all...
> No worries then... Was just a reminder to everyone that we are guests on the V-Bar Ranch...and to keep it as tight as we can...
> I do apologize for my absence for work weekend...had a seriously bad headache for about three days total...figure it was a combination of weather change and pollen/spores... I'll be going out there as often as I can to work on stuff...also I'm looking for a new source of cut limestone to refurbish and rebuild the Stones with... I'll keep y'all updated.
> Query: Are there any pieces of the Dreaming Tree still large enough to carve/sculpt...? I have a project in mind... *grin*
> It is always heartening to see folks that "Go and Do the Things that Need to be Done"... Thanks to everyone that assisted Their Excellencies and the Barony at the site...!
> Talk with everyone later...
> Wæs Þu Hæl in TroÞ and FriÞ...!
> Kief
> "Better the Hammer than the nail..."
> ========
> ________________________________
> Date: Mon, 23 May 2011 06:49:28 -0500
> Subject: Re: [Ravensfort] weekend warriors
> From: bandb.ravensfort at gmail.com
> To: sirkief at hotmail.com; ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org
> Hello my friend, heard you had a bad headache, is it better by now? I hope so, must be the weather etc. The guild camp is the only camp who outline their camp and they are anal about cutting it and keeping it that way. We can change that outline but they have had it that way for over 2 years etc. and they do a nice job of it, killing the poison ivy, weed eating and keeping up with our bardic area as well etc. I don't see a problem with it if they keep up with it and everyone does not do that etc.And I know if you let one then---but our guild has been the ones coming to everything and stepping up even with classes etc.  I would prefer that we not cut their camp and let them keep up with it like they have been etc. There are a few camps that are in pretty bad shape with limbs etc. I know that they get out there and clean up by Defender. Usually people do, thankfully by that time, so you can mow as you have wonderfully done for us in the past. And after walking around and looking there is dead fall all over the site by many camps that we just cannot get to without many hands and trailers etc. Just my two cents.
> YIS,
> On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 2:23 AM, Kief av Kiersted <sirkief at hotmail.com<mailto:sirkief at hotmail.com>> wrote:
> Heilsa all...
> I respectfully request that no camps be "lined" or "outlined" with any deadfall or cut pieces from any type or tree. Untreated wood will attract fire ants, termites, and copperheads that like to lurk under wood piles and such...(looking for mice you know...and peoples hands and feet...! Just sayin'...). Make sure that any stacks of firewood are off the ground for the same reasons...
> Please remember that when the big shredders are used to cut the site they are 15 feet wide. In the more open camping areas do not block access of the large machines. Either mark the trees (non-invasive...no nails, bolts, hooks...etc.) that surround your camp or is treated posts/poles at the corners and/or next to the trees. You can paint the posts with your livery colors, put eyebolts in the posts...etc... Just do not block the ranch machinery from access in order to mow... Best case scenario would be to space any posts and/or tree perimeter markers at least 16' to 18' apart.
> Thank you for you time and consideration in these important matters.
> Wæs Þu Hæl in TroÞ and FriÞ...!
> Your good neighbor and wandering Knight...
> Sir Kief
> "Better the Hammer than the nail..."
> =========
> ________________________________
> Date: Sun, 22 May 2011 06:37:36 -0500
> From: bandb.ravensfort at gmail.com<mailto:bandb.ravensfort at gmail.com>
> To: ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org<mailto:ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org>
> Subject: [Ravensfort] weekend warriors
> Greetings to all in our fair Barony,
>    Weekend warriors is what we were yesterday! Several people showed up to help with the dead fall around the site. The weather was very nice, cloudy and foggy at first. The sun barely peaked through a few times. We want to thank Rosalia, Berengaria, Billy, VNV, DSD, Erich, Klar, Eagan, Erich,  Charles (Drew) and Plachoya  who came out to help. The dreaming tree has been cut up into smaller pieces thanks to Billy and VNV and their trusty chain saws. The student guild wants the smaller cut pieces to line their camp site and they will move them when they get a crew out there to do so. The rest will make some nice firewood etc. for those who wish to claim it and move it. We also removed a large tree top behind the kitchen area. Rosalia sprayed poison ivy and weed eated the bardic area and parts of the B&B camp. Erich and his crew mowed and cleaned up their area behind the wooden fence that is their camp spot. We had a great luncheon in shifts because of some members leaving for work and others coming at different times to help. All in all it was a successful day and we will wish for that nice weather in August when we begin Defender sprucing up. Again thanks to all of our members who came out to help. We really appreciate the hard work.
>   Our Autocrat , who has yet to be named, will set the other work days for Defender. We set June 30 as the deadline for autocrat warrant but because of paperwork that needs to be started soon, it would be nice to have someone sooner. The Black Star article and equestrian insurance needs to be completed sooner than later. Also some of our members have to put in for days off way in advance and they need to request that asap so they may possible get these days off.
> YIS,
> --
> Pasquale and Giovanna
> Baron and Baroness of Raven's Fort
> _______________________________________________ Ravensfort mailing list Ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org<mailto:Ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org> http://lists.ansteorra.org/listinfo.cgi/ravensfort-ansteorra.org
> --
> Pasquale and Giovanna
> Baron and Baroness of Raven's Fort
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