[Ravensfort] Rapier stuff

Lemoine de Gascony scapigments at gmail.com
Mon Apr 22 09:41:40 PDT 2013

As of right now H.E. Don Charles d'Alsace le Cervoisier has stepped down as
Rapier Marshal and the Kingdom Rapier Marshalate has not named a new Rapier
Marshal that I know of, I am passing on this information in good faith and
the spirit of the game we love.  Rapier practice is the second and fourth
Sundays at Eastham-Thomason Park in Huntsville the park is located at 1500
7th Street and Ave. N Huntsville TX 77340. We start practice at 09:00 A.M.
and finish when everyone is wore out. Also this summer we are planning on
hitting the road and finding out what other groups do for their practices,
not only for rapier but for anything that they do and share at their
practices. You don’t have to be a rapier fighter or any other type of
fighter to join us.  For the month of June we are planning on hitting the
following groups. Tuesday June 4 = Loch Soilleir starts at 7:00 P. M
Tuesday June 11 = Bryn Gwlad starts at 7:30 P. M. Thursday June 20 =
Shadowlands starts at 7:00 P. M. Sunday June 30 = Bordermarch starts at
2:00 P. M.  It should be noted that the start times are the time the groups
start their practice and we have to allow for travel time. Also August 31
Their Excellencies will be opening up their personal lands for a day of
sharing, or simply “A Day on the Ridge”. Everyone is invited, from all
around the kingdom.  I have been charged with working out the details so I
will let people know more as the details get worked out.
Lemoine de Gascony scapigments at gmail.com
"There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not
want merely because you think it would be good for him." - from  ---Robert
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