[Ravensfort] From Kingdom

Sher M runa.herd at earthlink.net
Wed Apr 18 06:43:04 PDT 2018

>From the Kingdom Seneschal 


Greetings, Ansteorra,


**Office Changes**


My office is now open for applications. If you are interested in serving
Ansteorra as Kingdom Seneschal, please send your application to me, the
Crown, and the Society Seneschal.


The Central Regional Seneschal position is also open for applications. To
apply for that office, send your application to me, the Crown, and the
current Central Regional Seneschal, Mistress Colleen O’Kelly.


Decisions regarding successors for these two offices will be finalized by
June 15, with the actual changeover to occur at Round Table on July 21.


I’d like to welcome Centurion Charles the Grey as the new Northern Regional
Seneschal. Many thanks to Cadhla Ua Cellacháin for her dedicated service in
this role.


**40th Year**


Thank you to the groups who submitted bids to host the upcoming Ansteorran
40th Year Celebration. The event, which will be held on September 19-22,
2019, has been awarded to the Province of Mooneschadowe.


**Zip Code Project**


The Kingdom Zip Code Project, which aims to delineate all zip codes assigned
to each group in the Kingdom, is proceeding well. Final requests for changes
to zip code definitions are due to me within the next two weeks (end of
April). Zip codes lists are in the hands of local seneschals and should be
reviewed in consultation with Landed Nobility (where applicable) to
determine if changes are needed. Once the updates are complete, we will
generate population trend statistics, and I will start talking to any groups
whose population counts are below Society-defined branch minimums.


**Baronial Polling Change**


Change to the Kingdom Seneschal’s Handbook, Appendix A, “Conducting a
Polling,” first paragraph:


Old: “Baronial surveys will be conducted every 3 years after a change in
local Landed Nobility to gather commentary on the Nobles, unless directed
otherwise by the crown. “


Revised: “Baronial surveys will be conducted 4 years after a change in local
Landed Nobility, and every two years thereafter, in order to gather
commentary on the Nobles, unless directed otherwise by the crown.”


**Reminder from Society**


Please remember that Corpora (Chapter II, Section F) prohibits the
performing of any religious or magical ceremony at a Society event (or in
association with the name of the Society) in such a way as to imply that the
ceremony is "authorized, sponsored, or promulgated by the Society or to
force anyone at a Society event, by direct or indirect pressure, to observe
or join the ceremony".




It is important to note that there are two specific issues presented by this




1) the ceremony should not be performed in such a way to imply that said
ceremony is authorized, sponsored, or promulgated by the Society and




2) No one should be forced at an event, either by direct or indirect
pressure, to observe-in or join-in the ceremony.




If there are any questions regarding this portion of Corpora (quoted below),
please discuss it with me before planning a ceremony, in order to avoid
potentially running afoul of Corpora.






F. Policy on Religion


1. Having no wish to recreate the religious conflicts of the period under
study, the Society shall neither establish nor prohibit any system of belief
among its members. No one shall perform any religious or magical ceremony at
a Society event (or in association with the name of the Society) in such a
way as to imply that the ceremony is authorized, sponsored, or promulgated
by the Society or to force anyone at a Society event, by direct or indirect
pressure, to observe or join the ceremony.

However, this provision is in no way intended to discourage the study of
historical belief systems and their effects on the development of Western


2. Except as provided herein, neither the Society nor any member acting in
its name or that of any of its parts shall interfere with any person’s
lawful ceremonies, nor shall any member discriminate against another upon
grounds related to either’s system of belief.



Modius, Kingdom Seneschal





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