[Ravensfort] Work at The Stones

Ravens Heart V M byzytym at consolidated.net
Tue Aug 28 01:29:30 PDT 2018

Unto interested parties,


I mowed at The Stones last weekend.  The Equestrian camping area and in
front of the stalls almost to the road has been cut.  The area between my
camp and Claire & Steve's camp is clear again and ready for tents.  I also
mulched most of the branches that I trimmed between the Kitchen and the
Archery Range.  When the larger trunks have been removed I will run over it
again and that should be enough.  I plan to cut the Equestrian Field and the
Parking Lot later this week.  Saturday is out for me as it is the first day
of college football.  (note to Baroness : LSU plays Sunday night 6:30 in


I've made new hoses for the showers and will start clean up and prep for the
horse and shower water soon.  Decisions as to the availability of Kitchen
and / or drinking water and the coordination thereof I am leaving to the
Autocrat.  However, I will volunteer to transport to the site one or two of
the food quality cubes that our good Baron purchased from the Bernhardt
Winery.  I am more than happy to help, but I do not want to be the person
responsible for drinking water.  "Na.  Not gonna doit.  Wouldn't be prudent.
Thousand points of light.  No new taxes." 


In continued service,



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