[Ravensfort] Events in 2019

Seneschal of Raven's Fort seneschal at ravens-fort.ansteorra.org
Wed Dec 5 20:04:54 PST 2018

It just hit me tonight that we as a group seem to have lost our "moxie".  I
believe because we lost both events this year that we have become not
caring.  Hopefully the trip to the Castle and our Yule party will help
bring us back together a little bit.

We need backup locations for War College and Defender.  Please look in your
area for locations where we can have either event and/or a Kingdom level
event.  Think Crown Tourney in July with an indoor area for fighting.  Look
for places for a Kingdom A&S, Laurel's Prize, Coronation, etc.  I have
copies of the SCA Tax Exempt Letter and the SCA Liability Insurance form
for 2018.  Those are needed by a lot of "buildings".  I'll have a new
Insurance Coverage form in January 2019.  Please call, go check locations,
get prices, etc.  Remind them we are a not-for profit educational group.
We need a list of locations we can rent and/or use for very little cost.
If you are a member of a church or someone in your family is, please check
the availability of it for use by us.  We do not need to have alcohol at
our events to have fun.  If it's a camping area that would be good also.
It seems like the Huntsville State Park has/had a large area that could be
rented.  See if it would be good for Crown Tourney or Queen's Champion.

Send out Ravens to scout our Barony for locations.  We can do this, I know
we can.

HL Runa of the Thundering Herd
Seneschal, Barony of Ravens Fort
(mka) Sherrill "Sher" Montgomery
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