[Ravensfort] Fwd: Special Report

Seneschal of Raven's Fort seneschal at ravens-fort.ansteorra.org
Tue Jan 23 17:51:24 PST 2018

HL Runa of the Thundering Herd
Seneschal, Barony of Ravens Fort
(mka) Sherrill "Sher" Montgomery

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Eirik Halfdanarson <kingdom at herald.ansteorra.org>
Date: Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 1:03 PM
Subject: Special Report
To: Bjornsborg <herald at bjornsborg.ansteorra.org>, Gates Edge <
herald at gatesedge.ansteorra.org>, Hellsgate <herald at hellsgate.ansteorra.org>,
Shadowlands <herald at shadowlands.ansteorra.org>, Solstice Herald <
southern at herald.ansteorra.org>, seneschal at bjornsborg.ansteorra.org,
Baroness at bjornsborg.ansteorra.org, senseschal at bordermarch.ansteorra.org,
baroness at bordermarch.ansteorra.org, herald at bryn-gwlad.ansteorra.org,
senseschal at bryn-gwlad.ansteorra.org, Baron at bryn-gwlad.ansteorra.org,
Baroness at bryn-gwlad.ansteorra.org, Baron at bjornsborg.ansteorra.org,
seneschal at gatesedge.ansteorra.org, seneschal at hellsgate.ansteorra.org,
herald at loch-sollier.ansteorra.org, seneschal at loch-sollier.ansteorra.org,
BaronandBaroness at loch-sollier.anstoerra.org,
herald at ravens-fort.ansteorra.org, seneschal at ravens-fort.ansteorra.org,
BaronandBaroness at ravens-fort.ansteorra.org, herald at sewinds.ansteorra.org,
Seneschal <seneschal at seawinds.ansteorra.org>,
seneschal at shawdowlands.ansteorra.org, Sentinel Pursuivant <
herald at stargate.ansteorra.org>, seneschal at stargate.ansteorra.org,
baronandbaroness at stargate.org


I am sending this to all the groups in the Southern region because most of
those groups were impacted. I know that many of you will still be dealing
with the catastrophe that has occurred and continues to unfold. Please be
safe and take care of yourself and your families first. .

After things have calmed down and you have had a chance to assess the
damages, I would like to ask that all of you report to the Solstice Herald
the status of your office and any losses that have occurred. If possible,
please send something to the Southern Regional Herald by the 1st of
October. I expect to hear anything from you weren't involved at all to
everything is still under water. This will allow us to assist those groups
that need the assistance and to coordinate donations from other kingdoms so
that we make the most effective use of those resources. Please try to
update your regional herald as soon as you know what has been lost. If you
lost scribal materials, please contact the Southern Regional Scribe so that
she knows what you need.

If members of your group have lost scrolls to the flooding or other damage,
the following is the procedure to replace them. If they lost an Ansteorran
scroll, contact Golden Scroll to request a replacement. If they lost a
scroll from another kingdom, contact me and I will arrange for a
replacement with that kingdom.

If there are needs other than heraldic, you can contact the Disaster Relief
Coordinator for the Kingdom at brandy.merrell at gmail.com. Please put your
safety first before you worry about any report. Your safety and that of
your family is more important than anything else. Once you are safely back
home, evaluate things and then send us a report about any office things
that need replacing.

Stay safe, stay strong and remember there are many waiting to help once
needs are assessed. Your are not alone and we will be here when you need us.
Eirik Halfdanarson
Star Principal Herald
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