[Ravensfort] Baronial Scribes & Artisans Guild mtg today

Roberta Allen bertasdragonfly at gmail.com
Sun Jun 24 06:23:36 PDT 2018

Baronial Scribes, Artisans & Heraldic Guild mtg
Huntsville Fire Station #1
1987 Veterans Memorial Pkwy

May 20, 2018
1:00pm to 6:00pm

FYI - Today we are supposed to work on banners.  I have some kind of
stomach bug & will not be able to attend.  HE Sarah (Molly) last I heard,
was attending to guide us on banners needed.  Please let me know if anyone
attends & what was accomplished, thank you.

HE Brian, our herald, will be there with the baronial herald books and
paperwork for those who would like to research &/or register their name,
device or badge.

Chrystal Ariana MacRuari
mka RJ Allen (fb)

PS -
Below is the list of dates for SCA monthly Scribal & Artisan mtgs that the
room is available from 1pm to 10pm on the following Sunday's of each month
for 2018:

Jul 29, 2018

Aug 26, 2018

Sep 30, 2018

Oct 28, 2018

Nov 18, 2018

Dec 16, 2018
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