[Ravensfort] Exchequer Email Address

Seneschal of Raven's Fort seneschal at ravens-fort.ansteorra.org
Tue Jun 26 10:08:09 PDT 2018

 We have had problems in the past with the email address for the Exchequer
(Reeve).  There are two email addresses for that office, however only one
can send and receive emails.  Should you need to contact the Exchequer of
Raven's Fort please use the following email address:

treasurer at ravens-fort.ansteorra.org

The address exchequer will allow emails to be delivered but should she try
to respond with that address (exchequer at ravens-fort.ansteorra.org) it
appears to send the email yet it doesn't work.  That email (exchequer) is a
receive only address for our group.

HL Runa of the Thundering Herd
Seneschal, Barony of Ravens Fort
(mka) Sherrill "Sher" Montgomery
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