[Ravensfort] Defender of the Fort planning....

John Reuter brian.the.norman at gmail.com
Thu May 3 20:18:40 PDT 2018

Hello my wonderful Barony.
I am putting together a budget for the Defender of the Fort event being held this September. I need some input from the populace members as to what they can do to help. I’ll need some people to let me know what funds would be needed to help them do their part. 
For example; Water barer usually receives $50 to $60 to purchase oranges, pickles some water bottles and Gatorade and will need a pop-up shade pavilion.
Traditionally each champion is allotted $35 for each prize basket or prize. 
The gate coordinator will have printing and postage costs to cover. 

Each officer is being asked to assist the champion associated with their office to help ease any issues that may arise. Planing ahead will help everyone have a great time at the event. 
I am trying to put this budget together this weekend so that we may move forward with the planing and organizing stages of this event.
Some people have been contacted and have committed to helping in some small aspect of the event.

It there is anything you would like to help coordinate with our upcoming event please contact me. 

Yours in service....

Brian du Val
brianthenorman at gmail.com 

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