[Ravensfort] Baronial Scribes, Artisans & Heraldic Guild mtg

bertasdragonfly at yahoo.com bertasdragonfly at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 17 20:50:36 PST 2018

Baronial Scribes, Artisans & Heraldic Guild mtg Huntsville Fire Station #11987 Veterans Memorial Pkwy
November 18, 20181:00pm to 6:00pm
We will be working on future & upcoming competition scrolls ideas. If you have your own supplies, pls feel free to bring them.
Please bring your own drink (non-alcoholic) & snacks. Be warned, no eating or drinking at the scribal tables, thank you.
regards, Chrystal Ariana MacRuarimka RJ Allen (fb)
PS - Below will be the last date for SCA monthly Scribal & Artisan mtgs at the Community Room at the Fire Station #1 that the room will be available:
Dec 16, 2018
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