[Ravensfort] Kingdom Event Bids Requested

Sher M runa.herd at earthlink.net
Wed May 1 14:47:34 PDT 2019

Bids are being accepted for the following kingdom events:


Crown Tournament, to be held July 12. Bids will be due May 3. Their
Majesties (and the rest of the Financial Committee) would be happy to
receive any bid, but they would prefer an indoor or covered area for shade
or backup in case of bad weather. A camping event is fine and a feast would
be nice. They also prefer enough space in the venue for larger list fields.

Two bids have been received thus far, from Countess Toryn and the Stronghold
of Hellsgate.


Summer Roundtable, to be held July 20. Bids will be due May 3.

No bids have been received.


Laurel's Prize Tournament, to be held September 14. Bids will be due May 3.

Two bids have been received so far, from the Shire of Seawinds and the
Barony of Bjornsborg



I look forward to receiving more bids for all of these events!  :)



Duchess Gilyan Clonmacnoise

Deputy Kingdom Seneschal for Kingdom Events


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