[Ravensfort] FW: [Ansteorra-announce] [Announcements] President's Report for the April 2019 Board Meeting

Sher M runa.herd at earthlink.net
Mon May 27 20:21:59 PDT 2019

-----Original Message-----
From: Ansteorra-announce2
[mailto:ansteorra-announce2-bounces+runa.herd=earthlink.net at lists.ansteorra.
org] On Behalf Of Kelly Magill via Announcements via Ansteorra-announce2
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2019 4:59 PM
To: announcements
Cc: Kelly Magill via Announcements
Subject: [Ansteorra-announce] [Announcements] President's Report for the
April 2019 Board Meeting

John Fulton, President for the SCA, has announced that a report from his
office is now available on the SCA website. This report contains the
publishable summaries and commendation sections from each Society Officer's
reports, as well as publishable summaries submitted by various Board

The report can be located here:

Questions or comments regarding this report should be directed to Mr. Fulton
at president at sca.org<mailto:president at sca.org>.

If you send comments, please use the subject line "President's Report April

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