[Ravensfort] Quoth - Newsletter - coming soon

Chronicler of Raven's Fort chronicler at ravens-fort.ansteorra.org
Thu Apr 2 15:57:56 PDT 2020

Greetings from your Chronicler -
I am actively working on delivering your newsletter, the Quoth - which will
be quite a bit different this month. Due to safeguards in place because of
Covid-19, the Quoth will also be our Populace meeting, where you will be
able to see officer reports, announcements, and what's going on in the
Barony (just to name a few things to expect). I will have it up as soon as
I get all the information in, and I hope you all enjoy this month's edition.
Be safe, and sending healthy vibes,
Yours In Service,
Lady Seneca
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