[Ravensfort] The Stones site

Ravens Heart V M byzytym at consolidated.net
Mon Jan 20 10:45:02 PST 2020

Greetings to my friends in Raven's Fort,


David Saint David and I took a drive around The Stones site last week.  The
owners did their yearly mowing so the site looks great in that respect.
However, the hogs have had a hay-day in the Kitchen area and I'm afraid to
say, on the list field too.  I know that the Spring event is elsewhere so
the land will have some time to heal. DSD mentioned a roller if necessary.


He also mentioned arranging the use of the land owner's back-hoe to do work
on the entry road.  He said that with the "dollar a head" rental fee that is
owed for the last two events there should be enough in the account to
complete the job.  He would like to have an agreed on construction plan
before he approaches the owners to set things up.   


I hope all is well with all reading these words and that the Fort is


In service,

Marivs Atreidae


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