[Ravensfort] New Minister of Arts and Sciences

Baroness of Raven's Fort baroness at ravens-fort.ansteorra.org
Thu Oct 14 19:23:07 PDT 2021

After conferring with our current Minister of Arts and Sciences, Honorable
Lady Runa of the Thundering Herd and the Southern Regional Minister of Arts
and Sciences we have been asked to post the appointment of the new Minister
of Arts and Sciences for Raven's Fort.  We would like to welcome and
congratulate Lady Kellenin de Lanwinnauch as our newest officer.  She has
moved to us from another Kingdom and offers an enthusiasm and creativity
that are truly infectious.

Addionally, we would like to take the time to thank HL Runa for the many
years of service and dedication to the Barony.  We hope you enjoy a much
needed break in service and look forward to working with you again.

Jean-Michel and Marie
Baron and Baroness of Raven's Fort
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