[Raven's Fort] Meeting Notes for June 4th Populace Meeting

Seneschal of Raven's Fort seneschal at ravens-fort.ansteorra.org
Tue Jun 13 18:59:57 PDT 2023

Meeting Minutes from the Populace Meeting held on June 4th as taken by
Mistress Annes, OP :

Ravensfort Populace 6/4/2023
Meeting called to order at 2:18 pm by Fionna, the senechal.
15 in attendance.
Fionna: Yesterday’s regional practice at the Stones looked and sounded like
fun. Want to remind everyone that Defender is coming.
Maria-Exchequer: Just wrote the checks for the porta potties and also the
check for the church. That’s about it. This has been a slow month.
Knight Marshall (absent): There were 10 chivalric fighters at the regional
practice. Both practices on Monday nights and Wednesday nights are going
Rapier Marshall (absent): HE Marie said she wants to increase numbers of
rapier combatants at Wednesday practice. We have 6 new fighters coming out
and we have 4 to 6 rapier fighters on average at practice.
Archery Marshall & Thrown weapons: We are averaging 4 to 10 archers on
Monday nights in Madisonville. There were 15 to 20 people at the regional
practice on Saturday. We shot crossbows out at the Stones at regional
practice. One goal for Defender is to find a less sunny location for
Archery and thrown weapons. Participants were way too hot on Saturday. Have
scouted out a nice lane with a “thumb” at right angles to the lane that is
shady. Lane about 75 yards long that was measured on Sunday morning. Since
most shoot 10 to 30 yards this should work well. With the “thumb” at right
angles to the lane, thrown weapons can be held there in the shade also.
Need to have 1 pavilion for archery with two coolers and 1 for thrown
weapons for Defender.
Comment from Lady Jotan: We have been woking on the back of the church for
archery and we need the archery folk to look at it and pick where they
want. We will need to discuss insurance and to coordinate the agreement
with the church as I found 3 different agreements. I am also donating my
rapier equipment to the barony and my son is donating his archery equipment
Herald (absent): working on some names for people and many scrolls were
worked on at regional fighter practice. HE Jean-Michele was very happy
about how many people were excited about and wanted to paint scrolls.
Getting people involved that would normally have sat around being bored was
awesome to see. Meech brought out the line work for the defender champion
scrolls  Defender is just around the corner and everyone is reminded to
submit award recommendations.
Next site day is June 11th.
Chronicler (absent): Quoth came out and is on time. Check Facebook.
Hospitaler (absent): Having a sewing day at her home on June 10th 10-2 PM.
2019 Roanwood, Spring Tx.  Hospitaler has been given some cloths.
A&S Minister (absent): Planning to start to attend the new meeting next
month. Planning a meetup on June 18th at 1 PM to go look at fabrics with
discussion of what works in our climate. Yes, fabric will probably be
bought. Planning (hoping) to start some sort of group activity each month
or each quarter. A&S is happening on the 2nd and 4th Mondays in
Madisonville at Catherine and Jeoffrys home. Tuesdays is a rotation between
Marie and Jean-Michele’s home; Meech’s home and Gisele’s home to spread out
meetings for A&S since the barony is so very large.
Westminster (absent): Nothing to report
Words from Their Excellencies: First, lots of thanks to everyone who came
out, helped, fought, shot, brought food, painted scrolls, put up and took
down and just made it a very successful day.
We need as much help as is possible to get out to the Stones on the
workdays  to prepare the site for Defender. We have more posts to set.
Jeremy is picking up the poles. The kitchen looks nice now but will need
some more care as Defender nears. Comment from Steve: We ought to get the
tables out and take pictures of them for posterity so we can put them on
something else. Someone suggested putting the table designs in embroidery
on tablecloths.
This weekend is Crown. TE’s are planning to go and get a motel for Saturday
night. There is a very impressive line up and will be a good one.
Her Excellency: work weekends we need to do some new signs for the Stones.
We have lots of projects: Pavilion covers: largess making days; site token
making days; We also need to get the word out that the is the brewing
let us know if y9u are going to Crown so we can make sure there is enough
seating for you and snacks. We can also carpool or caravan up. Suggestion
to put “SCA” in the back window of the vehicle for visibility.
Scrolls for Defender are black lined. We are having a Defender planning day
meeting on the 13th.
His Excellency: Our spring event is Viking Raids. Will be making
lightweight boats not heavy like in the past.  We can still use the rings
as coracles like before. There will be field battles; boat battles; a quest
so we will need volunteers to be actors in the quest.
Herbalist Guild is coming back. Watch this space for more information soon.
Meeting adjourned at 3:02 Pm

Thank you Mistress Annes for taking and typing up these notes!
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