sca-cooks kingdom feast differances

Michael F. Gunter mfgunter at
Fri Apr 11 09:44:14 PDT 1997

In a message dated 97-04-11 11:54:43 EDT, you write:

<< Before I start: the most I ask of anyone else's feast is that there be
 enough edible food that I don't go away hungry, and that nothing is claimed
 to be anything it isn't.  That being said....<<snip>>........ And whether or
not it is the cook's job to
 provide a history lesson with every meal, it is at least not our job
 to provide a *false* one.

I agree with what you are saying, in essense, however I have 13 years
professional cooking experience, my hobby is cooking and I read any and
everything I can get my hands on on cooking. I have redacted dozens of
recipes and have a following of loyal eaters who come to any feast that I

Perhaps not all have the background or knowledge to create period foods. But,
if a person is to learn the art of cookery they must cook, cook, cook! With
that experience and knowledge comes the ability to "tatse" a recipe after
only reading it and the ability to read several recipes, put the books away
and make a dish. Of course this is only my opinion but it works for me.

Lord Ras

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