SC - New to list

maddie teller-kook meadhbh at
Wed Apr 16 17:40:28 PDT 1997


> On the subject of money, some of the shires I've lived in do not have
> communal items.  Each Feast Master buys everything from scratch.  This is
> a needless expense.  Barony Marche of the Debateable Lands had a Barony
> Larder, so that the 7/8 bottle of herbs left over was available for the
> next person, and if 25 lbs of rice cost almost the same as the 5 lb pack,
> the remainder could be held until next time.  If your shire does only 1
> event a year that may not work out, but consider the savings.  Cleaning
> products, foil and plastic, as well as food staples are much more
> economical in this manner.
> Allison

This method seems to have worked well for BMDL. However, it might be
necessary to consider the cost, if any, of storage for these items. Here
in Ostgardr, we also keep a set of Provincial feast gear and cooking
equipment. Unfortunately, one of the problems we have had with this in
the past is that the storage is not always very effective for certain
items. Generally people need to be careful of how old things are,
whether that basement, or whatever, is accessible to pet cats or less
savory fauna. I still agree with this idea, more or less, but I can
envision circumstances when this method might cause as many problems as
it solves, which is probably why not everyone uses it.


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