Re(2): SC - Re: sca-cooks V1 #51

Sue Wensel swensel at
Wed Apr 16 11:04:30 PDT 1997

>This is a common misunderstanding.  Being non for profit means you 
>give profits from things we do to individuals.  It does *not* mean you
>can't make lots of money on an event.  Note: I am *not* saying you 
>want to
>or you should, just that it is legal.

Oh, I know it's legal! I just think too many groups are making money just
to make money. I think making money to buy feast gear, loner armor, front
events, give free subscriptions to the local newsletter, etc. is just
great. But I know a lot of groups that make lots of money and then just
sit on it. As I said, we usually make so much on donations from demos
that we keep the prices down on events so even the perenially broke and
families with a number of kids can afford them. I also realize that some
groups aren't lucky enough to be able to do this. I was just putting in
my $.02 worth!


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