Re(2): SC - Re: sca-cooks V1 #51

Philip W. Troy troy at
Wed Apr 16 10:24:03 PDT 1997

Mark Harris wrote:
> On Monday, April 14, Sianan said:
> >   The only reason I asked is because there is a Celtic event in Lochac
> >sometime in the near future and, while I'm not the autocrat (not in the
> >right geographic region)  I have been asked to find out about various
> >things like the adressing of the Haggis and other odd things.
> Huh? "adressing of the Haggis"? I'm not sure what you mean by this. If
> you are talking about the Scottish sausage often called haggis, you might
> be interested in this file in the FOOD section of my SCA Rialto Files.
> There are three recipes in there if you wish to try to make your own,
> although two of these use out-of-period ingredients. If you do make some,
> I'd love to hear your comments.

I could be wrong, but I believe the idea of addressing the haggis is a
custom practiced on Burns' Night, the annual bash for the birthday of
the poet Robert Burns (January 7? Don't remember.)

Burns wrote his poem, "To a Haggis" in 1786. This poem is often read as
a sort of toast to the cutting and serving of the haggis at a Burns'
Night supper. This is, I think, what is known as "addressing the
haggis". Since the poem was written in 1786, the practice is not
relevant to us.

Good poem, though... 


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