SC - Humor - where birds come from

Mark Schuldenfrei schuldy at abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU
Thu Apr 24 06:42:28 PDT 1997

> Isabeau said on Wed. April 16:
> >Fennel is the "breath sweetener" of choice used in Italian feasts that I
> have 
> >documentation on.
> Interesting. Can you give more information? Which part of the fennel plant?
> Was 
> it chewed on straight or mixed in something? Or perhaps steeped?
> Thanks.
>   Stefan li Rous

The part of the plant most often used, if I remember correctly, was the seeds.
 They were often coated in sugar, but also chewed straight (in Britain at
least).  They have have a wonderful flavor like black licorice, but not nearly
so strong.

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