SC - Re: sca-cooks Creativity

Stephen Bloch sbloch at
Sat Apr 26 17:53:31 PDT 1997

"In going over these last few messages on the server, I came across a
message that I didn't know how to take. So rather than flame about it, I
will ask the author to explain in more detail!"

I will be happy to.  I guess I did not speak my opinion clearly.

The quote in question was concerning whether freshwater crayfish were
acceptable period or not.  My response was . . . Well, I am no expert,
but if someone is allergic to iodine, does it  matter if freshwater
crawdads are period or not?

Lord Mandrigal too great offense to this comment.  I apologize for the
offense taken.  It was in no way meant to offend, but to voice a concern.

"This person's answer sounds like she is saying that because she is
allergic to iodine and seafood contains this product that we shouldn't
even discuss crawdad recipes.

No, but I try to be concerned about things like this when I am hosting
others at "my" banquet table.  My concern is that if we are going to be
so narrow about whether seafood is fresh- or salt-water, we should
probably also be concerned over whether the seafood is bought or caught. 
I see no need to argue the point.  I personally do not care for the
flavor of crawdads, but my entire family loves them.  Likewise, they
can't stand the sight of oysters, but I adore them.  Different strokes,
right?  I think we should discuss any recipe or style of cooking that the
members of this list desire to discuss.  I also think I should, as others
do, be able to voice my opinions and concerns.

" If this is what you mean, then I am sorry you feel that way. I don't
mean to flame or in any other way abuse your opinion, but the server is
here as a source of ALL information. Not just information that is
relevant or selectively adapted for one person's needs. That is one
reason why there are Subject boxes and those boxes contain what the
thread is about."

I understand.  However, I try to read all my messages in an effort to
learn as much as possible.  I do not claim to be an expert (ex - has been
+ xpert - a drip under pressure = a has been drip under pressure =>).

"Censorship bothers me. Many people adopt the idea that if something is
bad for one person, then it could be bad for others. If we adopted that
attitude with everything then we would not have one bit of historical
information, because someone or some group would find some reason that
everything is bad."

Obviously there is more to this situation than a simple disagreement.  I
am apologetic that you took such great offense, especially since I have
(until now) read your posts with great interest.  I assure you that if
you do not wish for  me to respond to your listings, I will set my server
to ignore your messages.  That way I will be sure not to offend.  I don't
honestly think that is what you intended, but I should ask that if it is,
please mail me privately so as to not make this a more public spectacle
than it has already become.  Honor before glory, and all that.

"Also, being a person with his own allergies, I am ultimately responsible
to check the menu and decide for myself what I can and cannot feast upon.
 As the cook for the feast I create the meal based on the recipe and I
don't take anyone's allergies into consideration, including my own. I
post the menu and below the menu is a list of food and ingredients,
including wine if used. Often I will have plain chicken and or roast beef
for the weak of palate or people with allergies.  (Too many times the
word allergic is substituted for 'I don't like'.)  I know this sounds
callous, but short of serving water at a feast I refuse to over taxing my
staff and feast budget by 'guesstimating'. I present foods that have been
well accepted or recipes like those that are well accepted. I have been
cooking this way since 1972 and have never had anyone go away hungry or
angry. I treat all my feasters with the same respect, 'You know what you
can eat'""

Well, there are several issues here, aren't there.  I am not sure I can
clearly present my entire argument, so I will be brief.  Please
understand, there is no malice in my heart when answering you.  I truly
respect your right to disagree with me, just as you should mine.

As for the bit about not taking anyone's allergies into account -- I am
sure that you do.  You even admitted to it, but I am not sure you
realized it.  By posting the menu and the list of ingredients you are
forewarning the guests of potential dangers to their health.  This is the
only responsible thing to do if you are not going to listen before hand. 
Providing alternate feast for those who are unable or unwilling to enjoy
your feasts is not symbolic of a callous individual, but of a concerned
host.  I applaud you for that, although I believe you may be transferring
your frustration of the demands of feast mastering on to the guests
through your "hidden hostility".  I am sorry if that is how you truly
feel.  Realize, please, I am just speculating and not stating facts.  I
have not called your honor into question, so put the flame thrower down. 
The only thing I do hope is that the list is broken down by dish.  That
way the feaster can be an informed consumer.  Why pay for something if
you can't eat it?  Our feasters are our customers, after all. Customer
service should be a concern of all individuals involved in putting on an

I do take issue with your comment that many say they are allergic to
something and really just don't like it.  Are you willing to be the
person responsible for someone's struggle through anaphlysis and possible
death because you did not take them seriously?  I am not willing to call
someone a liar just because I don't have "Proof" of their claim.  In
addition, what is wrong with serving water at feast?  Some people prefer
it.  I do, especially after a long hot day in the Texas heat or in the
kitchen.  Offer it for those who want it.  That doesn't tax your kitchen
crew any more than offering tea or lemonade.

"I apologize if I have offended anyone by not honoring their opinions,
but this is a server meant for discussion. I have tried very hard not
slam or flame anyone. I am from Trimaris and I would love to see more
recipes that contain fish or seafood."

I will accept your apology, for I was greatly offended.  I was not saying
don't discuss recipes, I wanted people to expand their thinking.  I just
wish you could have seen me for the kind of person I really am, and not
some moron just trying to pick a fight.  I simply don't do that.  I am a
rebel, not a trouble maker (although there are those purists out there
that think that anyone not thinking just like them are nothing but
trouble -- Inquisitionists is what we call them here).

I pray you find my explanation satisfactory.  I have not tried to offend
anyone, but if I did, please mail me and we can discuss it.  No reason we
cannot behave like the intelligent adults we are, right?

Please continue to post recipes of all types.  I love seafood and just
about anything that doesn't move.  I do have allergies, but I like to be
informed if I might be about to consume that could kill me.  I also want
us to consider our guests that may not be well-spoken in the rituals of
the society.  We do have a greater duty than just to get our AoA or
Peerage, etc.  We have a duty to all those attending our events . .
brass, common, and mundane alike.

Forever in service,

Genevieve de Vaux
Skunk Killer of Emerald Keep

skunkkiller at

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