SC - A request for assistance

darcy imus dimus at
Sun Apr 27 19:12:28 PDT 1997

Lord Ras writes [again in reference to Norse Pyes] :

> Currants (the ones
> mentioned in period recipes> raisons of Corinth) are actually a type of small
> grape (still produced by Sunkist and called "dried Currants". Available in
> your supermarket.)

What most Americans call a "currant", I believe, is a completely
different fruit from what a modern Englishman would call a "currant".
The latter are red and are decidedly NOT grapes.  I've always assumed
that the former is appropriate for medieval recipes, partly because
of the frequent use of the word "raisons", and partly because they're
much easier for me to find :-)
					mar-Joshua ibn-Eleazar ha-Shalib
                                                 Stephen Bloch
                                           sbloch at
                                        Math/CS Dept, Adelphi University

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