sca-cooks Transport of Foodstuffs

Jeffrey Miller jeffm at
Thu Apr 10 12:34:05 PDT 1997

Mark Schuldenfrei wrote:
> [Authenticist alert] We don't do Asia: we do Western Culture.   But I
> digress.

True enough =8^) I just thought it was a neat factoid! Science is always
turning up something new, and our conception need to change to
incorporate the new, flexing environment of history - history is a
living thing that changes and grows as our perception as well as our
context change in relation to it. But I too digress..

> always challenging them.  If your wonderful feast includes a Roast
> Port, or a beef stew like Bruit Vergay, or a salad with dressing or
> broccoli with garlic and lemon (Castelvetro), then the side dishes can
> be neat and interesting.
*chuckle* Why, that's exactly the path I'm taking! :) Besides, I don't
feel like cooking a main dish that will flop - but if people don't like
my parsnip/carrot hash, I'm not as heartbroken :)

Oh, another question - lemons. I'm sure the flavor has changed quite a
bit through selective cultivation - has anyone noticed it changing the
flavors of dishes appreciably, to the point of modifying quantities? I
don't need exact measures - I'm a splash-and-taste cook myself, just
curious.. have herbs and seasonings changed in strengths over the

> And, if your true justification for asking about New World foods is to
> "placate the hungry masses" by feeding them familiar foods, then while the
> tone of the responses you got was horrid, they were on target: Just tell
> them that Domino's delivers only to the back of the hall, and spend your day
> feeding good medieval food to those that want to learn something.

*laugh* I can just see it - like guilty teens caught with a can of beer,
they'd sneak out of camp, then back in..

"Hey, is that a pizza box?"

"uh... no, it's my new shield!"

"Hmm.. looks like a pepperoni-and-onion buckler to me!"

> Or not.  Given the effort it takes to feed a large number of people, you
> might as well enjoy yourself and do what makes you happy.

- -Eogan, trying to do both-

- -- 
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-		
	      jeffm at
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