
Gary Stephens garys at
Wed Apr 9 07:39:52 PDT 1997


        I'm known in the SCA as Leonora. My interest in cooking runs mostly
to redaction and experimentation from and with medieval recipes, and most
especially campfire cookery. However, I have assisted my mistress,
Mortraeth, with the odd feast or two, mostly small numbers and quite
focused, with one exception regarding numbers. My particular interest is
bread, specifically peasant bread, campaign bread, that sort of thing.

        I hail from the retirement canton of Monadh, in the glorious Barony
of Septentria, in the nothern jewel Principality of Ealdormere, in the
Middle Kingdom.

        In the real world I'm Lorina Stephens, writer, painter,
embroiderer, wife and mother. I live in Orangeville, Ontario, Canada.

        Look forward to an interesting list.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gary/Lorina J. Stephens
photographer/author of _Touring the Giant's Rib_ & _Credit River Valley_
garys at

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