
Angelina Capozello capozell at ben.dev.upenn.edu
Wed Apr 9 09:26:31 PDT 1997

Hello fellow cooks!  My name is Rafaela di Napoli, and I'm from the East 
Kingdom Barony of Bhakail.  I'm currently a fairly good cook, but have not 
done much research into medieval foods until now.  Two things I am 
interested in learning more about are camp cooking - any recipes for 
pennsic I can get!  And also, I'd like to know what sort of spices, herbs  
and veggies were grown in the typical medieval kitchen garden (if they had 
them - I'm sure they didn't buy everything at the market).  I'd love to 
start my own garden so I can have fresh foods when I'm experimenting with 
a new recipe. 

Thanks in advance for any help.

(aka Angie Capozello) 

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