sca-cooks Re: New member to the list

Mark Schuldenfrei schuldy at abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU
Thu Apr 10 06:01:30 PDT 1997

  What's a solteltie?

Food that is decorated, or which is made to resemble that which it is not.

For example: a castle made of sugar paste: or a gilded pig.  A model of a
deer with an arrow in it's side, which pours wine out of the hole when the
arrow is removed.  Stuff like that.

Brigdet Henisch wrote "Fast and Feast" (which I reviewed for
_Serve_It_Forth_) and which has a whole wonderful chapter on sotelties.

In fact, let me quote the first paragraph of my review...

    So, should a Society cook read a book that doesn't have recipes?
    Yes, it seems we should.  "Fast and Feast" is well researched and
    indexed book covering everything about food and foodways customs
    from late period, except the details of redactions.  It is also fun
    to read (I laughed out loud several times), well indexed and
    copiously footnoted, and reasonably priced (I paid $14.95)

My wife has made a number of sotelties, including figurines especially:
models of the Crown of the East granting a Laurel to our friend Master
Aquel, the Baron and Baroness of our group leading a dance procession of
three other couples, and so forth.  She has also made someone's arms in
colored sugar plate in the form of stained glass, a marzipan scroll, and so

I particularly treasure the sugar paste box she made to celebrate one award
that I received.


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