sca-cooks Comfortable head cooks

Terry Nutter gfrose at
Thu Apr 10 15:37:29 PDT 1997

A quick introduction.  I'm Katerine Rountre (Terry Nutter).  I've been 
involved in medieval cookery and research on medieval cuisine for somewhere
between 10 and 15 years; most of my active SCA time was in Atlantia.

Christi quoted Gunthar's response, and responded herself:

>>> Any have any suggestions on how to get
>>> comfortable cooking for 200 rather than 40?
>>You'll never be comfortable as Head cook!  Abandon all hope!
>Oh great we are all doomed.  Thanks for the advanced warning.

Well, no.  I've cooked comfortably for close to 300.  In my experience,
the primary key is organization, most of it (the organization, not
the cooking) done beforehand.  The secondary key is planning a meal
that does not exceed either the human or the kitchen resources.


- -- Katerine/Terry

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