sca-cooks yeast in cooking

Mark Schuldenfrei schuldy at abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU
Fri Apr 11 10:04:45 PDT 1997

  While I can't tell you the date of the recipe (it is during the 16th
  century) it is taken from A Booke of Cookry.

  To seeth Roches, Flounders, or Eeles.
  Make ye good broth with new yest,

If it was a yoth in the word, I'd bet upon yeast, for sure.
  Almost all the sauce for fish include yeast, which I found interesting.
  Many thanks to Katerine Rountre for her notes on yeast.  They were what I
  needed since I haven't started redacting yet.  Next question is how do you
  think the yeast was used....(what consistency)

Wow.  I have NO ideas.  I'd scoop up a tablespoon of ale barm from a bottle
of home-made  beer, and taste it.  And see how it works.  (Damn shame if I'd
have to drink the beer to get to the barm, wouldn't it be? :-)


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