SC - Theme feasts

Michael F. Gunter mfgunter at
Tue Apr 15 14:34:27 PDT 1997

There are several theme feasts that I've wanted to do.  One of my favorites is
the "No Sh** It's Period" feast with period dishes that some people feel are 
modern:  Meatloaf, pizza, french toast, jelly donuts (Ich bien ein Jelly Donut),

I would also like to do a vegetarian feast that I dare carnivores not to like.

There's an early period outdoor feast that I've been thinking of where all the
food is cooked either in the ashes (tubers, clay wrapped meat) and in a big
kettle (meat and vegetables are boiled in the cauldron, the solids are lifted out
for one course and a pottage is made from the broth for another.

These have probably been done but I would enjoy doing them.



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