SC - lombardy custard

Anne-Marie Rousseau rousseau at
Tue Aug 12 23:38:16 PDT 1997

Does anyone have any insight into these instructions to "streyne hem all
[th]orgh a straynour till hit be so thik that it woll bere him self" ?  I
tried beating all together, but it never got as thick as described.  Could
this mean we are to make "whipped" cream, "so thik that it woll bere him
self", and then fold in the beaten eggs?  Has anyone tried this? (I ran out
of cream before I ran out of interpretations...)

Harleian MS. 279, c. 1430, - Dyuerse Bake Metis
xvij.  Crustade lumbard.  Take gode Creme, & leuys of Percely, & Eyroun,
[th]e yolkys & [th]e whyte, & breke hem [th]er-to, & strayne [th]orwe a
straynoure, tyl it be so styf [th]at it wol bere hym-self; [th]an take
fayre Marwe, & Datys y-cutte in .ij. or .iij. & Prunes; & putte [th]e Datys
an [th]e Prunes & Marwe on a fayre cofynne, y-mad of fayre past, & put
[th]e cofyn on [th]e ovyn tyl it be a lytel hard; [th]anne draw hem out of
[th]e ouyn; take [th]e lycour & putte [th]er-on, & fylle it vppe, & caste
Sugre y-now on, & Salt; [th]an lat bake to-gederys tyl it be y-now; & gif
it be in lente, lef [th]e Eyroun & [th]e Marwe out, & [th]anne serue it

Harleian MS. 4016
27 Custard lumbarde.  Take good creme, and yolkes And white of egges, and
breke hem thereto, and streyne hem all [th]orgh a straynour till hit be so
thik that it woll bere him self; And take faire Mary, And Dates, cutte in
ij. or iij. and prunes, and put hem in faire coffyns of paast; And then put
[th]e coffyn in an oven, And lete hem bake till thei be hard, And then
drawe hem oute, and putte the licoure into [th]e Coffyns, and put hem into
[th]e oven ayen, And lete hem bake till they be ynogh, but cast sugur and
salt in [th]i licour whan ye putte hit into [th]e coffyns; And if hit be in
lenton, take creme of Almondes, And leve the egges And the Mary.

Mistress Sincgiefu/Cindy Renfrow


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