Re(2): SC - Migraines-off subject of SCA cooking

Sue Wensel swensel at
Mon Jul 14 11:07:57 PDT 1997

> Gunther writes about publishing ingredients lists and seeing that there is
> some vegetarian food in each course as an accomodation to food allergies
> and eating choices.  I agree with him completely!  If a cook (like he,
> like me!) goes to this effort, I -really- don't see that more is required.
> People who can't eat anything close to a normal diet need to bring their
> own food.  I'm not being nasty, just realistic.  
I agree, but only up to a certain point.  My major concern is alcohol 
in food.  I am sure that there are enough people out there who 
abstain due to religious or other reasons, that we can afford to 
accomodate it.  I don't mean that everything prepared with alcohol 
has to have a non-alcoholic version, but I have been to a feast where 
EVERY meat dish, the bread, and many of the veggie dishes were 
prepared with some form of alcohol.  

If you think I'm being severe, I did call ahead to ask whether or not 
there would be enough for me to eat.  I explained that I could not 
have any form of alcohol, cooked in or not, and was told that there 
would be plenty.  I paid my $9 and went home very hungry and more 
than a little cranky (I could have brought my own food if they'd 
answered me honestly).

Claricia Nyetgale
Caldrithig, Skraeling Althing, Ealdormere
(Erin.Kenny at  
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