SC - Re: Alcohol & the SCA

Donna J. White skunkkiller at
Tue Jul 15 00:56:38 PDT 1997

Derdriu wrote:
><<  So what does this mean if a bunch of us are at an event and 
> >wants to
> >> provide mulled drinks for a bardic and passes the hat for it?

To which I responded: 
> Watch out in Texas.  The TABC is cracking down and any funds 
> could be misconstrued as selling without a license.  Check your state
> laws just to stay out of dutch. >>

At which Brangwayna Morgan replied: 
>OK, folks, cut the paranoia and READ the postings.  Derdriu asked 
>somebody PASSING THE HAT for money for drinks.  Unless the group clerk 
>of the
>exchequer dips into group funds for his/her contribution, passing the 
>hat is
>NOT using SCA funds to buy alcohol, and therefore doesn't fall under 
>the ban.
> It probably falls under the other part of the statement, which is 
>that isf
>the site allows alcohol, and somebody brings it, they are responsible 
>their own actions and the actions of anybody they share it with.

I am not being paranoid, and I am sorry if you misconstrued my fair
warning.  Continue as you wish, but be warned that Texas and other states
are cracking down on their home-brewing laws.  It has nothing to do with
whether the SCA condones the sale of or receipt of donation for
home-brewed liquors.  I am not saying you should not partake, but rather
you should be careful as to not get into trouble.  TABC has been reported
to have been seen at events scouting for such goings ons.

If you do not wish to pay heed, then you are within your rights.  I was
just trying to make the list aware that certain changes are afoot in the
home-brewing legislation of several states.  You should, of course, look
to your own state for details.

I am well aware of the Corpora ban on using SCA funds for liquor as I am
exchequer for our local branch.  I am also in the accounting profession
and teach business (including business law). 

Again, call me paranoid if you will, but to become so offended at just a
friendly note concerning changes you may not have been aware of, is not
reasonable (in my mind) and is certainly not conducive to a free exchange
of ideas -- as is my understanding of the purpose of this list.

If I am wrong, feel free to email me.  I feel the flames already.

Geneveive de Vaux
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