SC - re: Intro-Unsub-Cooking?

Uduido at Uduido at
Mon Jul 7 16:47:11 PDT 1997

You wrote:

<<I just received several unsub posts...<snip>....>>

These were probably sent to the list instead of the listserv.......

<< and a post about my personal E-mail address...>>

Several of the list members are unable to view a person's e-mail address and
probably requested your address so they couldd welcome  you to the list
privately. Or send private responces and questions to you.

<<....<snip>......Is this a list more for the mideval role players >>

Actually it is a list geared specifically toward the cooking members of the
Society for Creative Anachronism. An non-profit educational, re-creational
group that researches and recreates the best of the Middle Ages.

<<or as I thought, a period style cooking list, which to me entails recipes?

The actual traffic in recipes per se in minimal but I am sure if you are
interested in specific recipes and ask for them they will be posted.

<<I'm glad you folks have a grown up dress up game you like to play, (and
people think cross dressers are strange..LOL).. but I was interested in
recipes. If I'm mistaken, let me know. >>

For some on this list the SCA is a full-time activity. Many of the folks in
the SCA in general work a mundane job so they can practice their skills in
the SCA. The organization has over 10. 000 members world-wide. It is
considered inappropriate for SCA members to use their mundane names when
corresponding about SCA activities.

<<maybe the misrepresentation in the title sca-COOKS >>

Actually the title SCA-cooks is appropriate and not a misrepresentation. It
is geared specificcally toward the research and recreation of Medieval
cookery within the settof the SCA.

<<....<snip>......I don't really care if someone from 300 years ago knew how
to butcher meat..its a moot point.>>

To many on the list andd in the SCA, it is vital to know the exact way they
did things 300 years ago. Many make their own knives, cooking implements,
pottery and ovens. Many also grow the plants and animals that they did in the
Middle Ages. And not a few try to do their cooking exactly as it would have
been done in period.
<<If I am correct in my assumption, please let me know so I can unsub too. As
stated in my intro, I am a gourmet cook and not into the dress up game scene,
only recipes. I did notice a reference to some old cookbooks, are they
available? ..Liza>>

I also am a gourmet cook as well as someone who likes to "dress-up". However,
I would gently point out that the reproduction of Medieval cooking is not in
anyway a game to the majority of folks on this list but rather a serious
attempt by laymen and scholars to re-create a cuisine that has been all but
lost to the world.

There are many paces on the web where "old cookbooks and recipes" are
I f you wish I would be more than happy to send you web locations as would
many others who post here. Ask and you shall recieve. :-)

Yours in Service to the Dream,
Lord Ras al Zib, AoA, OSyc    (Uduido at
Shire of Abhain Ciach Ghlais

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