SC - Cooking in a Period Environment

Robin Hackett robin.hackett at
Tue Jul 1 10:44:43 PDT 1997

Bronwyn wrote,

>We did not use period utensils - in fact, one of the biggest problems was the
>fact that someone decided that refrigerator shelves would make good fire
>grates.  (Do NOT try this.  They bend under the combination of weight and
>heat and try to dump your food in the fire.)

Oven shelves, on the other hand, worked for me for years. However, I don't
dig anymore. A combination of sand and ceramic tiles work well as a base to
build a fire on, without ruining the ground underneath. Our 15th century
set up (three spits and a pole to hang pots from) can still be driven into
the ground around the tiles and its much easier to control the fire when
you can reach it. :)

>Also, on another list (I think) the point was brought up that wind will rob
>the heat form your fire and increase cooking times.  Wind breaks are a good

Yes, they keep you from feeding charred yet uncooked chicken to the King!
Amazing I still cook after that debacle. :)


robin.hackett at

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