SC - Parsley

ND Wederstrandt nweders at
Thu Jul 31 07:23:46 PDT 1997

Earlier today, July 3, UlfR said:

On Wed, 2 Jul 1997, david friedman wrote:

> using a tripod, trivet, cast iron utensils, etc. We've never built an oven,

>Cast iron is interesting: I have been given to understand that cast iron 
>for cookpots are of a later date than the SCA (or at least very late 
>period). Can you provide any information on this? It would be very 
>useful if cast iron pots and pans are useable in "enchanted ground" 

You might be interested in looking at these files in the FOOD section of
my SCA Rialto Files:
utensils-msg      (68K)  9/ 9/96    Utensils, plates, trenchers, cast iron
ovens-msg         (41K) 10/14/96    Medieval ovens and SCA camp ovens.
iron-pot-care-msg (23K)  8/ 7/96    Seasoning and caring for iron pots and 
My files can be found at:

Stefan li Rous
markh at

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